7. Effortless sleep with Insomnia Coach Martin Reed CHES®

What if the key to better sleep is putting in less effort? If you've tried everything to fix your sleep problems, this episode is for you. Certified insomnia coach Martin Reed talks about why working to fix sleep problems doesn't work and how we can shift thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors to create better days and more restful nights.

BIO: Martin Reed MEd, CCSH, is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®), an ACE-certified Health Coach, and I am an affiliate member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. He developed the Insomnia Coach program after years of research and academic study. His Insomnia Coach course uses evidence based cognitive and behavioral interventions to address (and fix) the root causes of most cases of insomnia. Thousands of insomniacs have taken his free two-week course and 97 percent said they'd recommend it to a friend.

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Malia Jacobson