5: Screens, sleep, and home office syndrome with Dr. Alex Dimitriu

Right now, screens connect us to our families, friends, teachers, workplaces, and the world. They also sabotage our sleep. On this episode, psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist Alex Dimitriu, MD, talks about how light exposure shapes our physical and mental health, how to protect sleep when screens are everywhere, blue-light blocking glasses, and what to do about "home office syndrome" as we head into our third month (but who's counting?) of telework and home-based school. 

BIO: Alex Dimitriu, MD, is dual board certified in psychiatry and sleep medicine. He treats patients with a wide variety of mental health related issues such as anxiety, PTSD, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD and sleep disorders. Dr. Dimitriu completed a fellowship in sleep medicine at Stanford University and received his medical degree in psychiatry at Stony Brook University. Dr. Dimitriu is the founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine where he applies a thorough knowledge of neuroscience and pharmacology to attain the most minimal, efficient, and holistic solutions possible.

Link: www.siliconpsych.com

Summer means a parade of long sunny days and it's actually the worst, The Washington Post

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Malia Jacobson