28. Emotional fatigue with Myra Godfrey

Emotional fatigue is real, and you may be feeling it these days. When you're not just physically tired, but emotionally drained as well, what can you do to reduce stress and feel better? Author and wellness expert Myra Godfrey joins me to talk about how we can find our own individual meditation style, why breathwork isn't for everyone, and easy ways to feel more energetic, starting today.

BIO: Myra Godfrey is a best-selling author, TEDx and motivational speaker, and creator of The WELL Method for purpose-filled, healthy living. After healing herself naturally from debilitating fibromyalgia, Myra developed The WELL Method to teach others the 4 cornerstones of a healthy, purpose-driven life.

Full episode

Find Myra: jayajayamyra.com