3: Treating insomnia without medication with Dr. Vanessa Roddenberry

When we’re struggling with insomnia it can be tempting to reach for a sleeping pill or even a quick fix like another glass of wine before bed. (I know I've been there!) But there’s another way to address the problem and create lasting change: CBT-I, or cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, a therapy that's been proven more effective than sleeping pills. 
This episode unpacks the "layers" to insomnia, why sleep problems can persist for months and even years, how CBT-I helps people who have tried everything else for sleep struggles, and how people can get started with CBT-I from home.

BIO: Vanessa Roddenberry, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and founder of Breyta Psychological Services. She’s a trauma specialist who works with patients experiencing anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, depression, and chronic pain. She practices Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which integrates mindfulness with meaningful behavioral change, along with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, also called CBT-I.

Malia Jacobson